Using the indextank
rubygem, if I index a post like this
indexes.document({:title=> post.title, :text=> post.body})
What should my query look like such that the title
matches are returned before the body
matches. Doing this:"title:#{query} OR text:#{query}", :snippet=> :text)
returns all matches ordered from newest to oldest.
Thank you.
What is your scoring function 0 defined as? By default, it is "-age", which means most recent first. For text relevance, you can replace scoring function with "rel", which means text relevance.
I don't know of a way to ensure that every title match is guaranteed to be above the rest, but you can "boost" the title greatly by adding "^10" to your title part of the query. Here's an example:
title:potter^10 text:whatever
This means title matches are 10 times higher than matches for the "text" field. You can raise the number "10" higher if necessary.