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Modify global variable Ant

I want to change "variable" in Ant file, in one target and see that change in another target.

<variable name="foo" value="hello" />
<target name="print-me">
    <echo message="${foo}" />
    <antcall target="change-me" />
    <echo message="${foo}" />

<target name="change-me">
    <variable name="foo" value="world" />

While I want it to print: 'hello , world' , it prints 'hello, hello'


  • Either use :

    <target name="change-me">
        <variable name="foo" unset="true"/>
        <variable name="foo" value="world"/>

    as Oers already mentioned in his comment to your question or use a more
    straightforward approach with the let task of Ant addon Flaka :

    <project xmlns:fl="antlib:it.haefelinger.flaka">
    <!-- overwrite any existing property or userproperty
         (those properties defined on the commandline via -Dfoo=bar ..) --> 
    <fl:let> foo ::= 'world'</fl:let>