Using Mechanize, I need to find some way to limit requests to 1 per second(or 1 every 5 seconds, or 2 every minute, etc the point is find some way to rate limit requests).
Searching, this seems to be the way to begin to approach the issue: pre/post connect hooks. Only I don't exactly know what to do with them or how to approach, I'm guessing from my level and research I need to do a lambda or proc that says 'hey wait a second', seems basic enough.
My question is basically for an example or another clue on how to do this. I tried several lambdas(and I'm at a low level of understanding in what exactly this would do):
@agent.pre_connect_hooks << lambda { |pc| sleep 1 }
but this just turns my requests to errors:
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (2 for 0)
Even beginning to go through the mechanize code yields little for me so far.
Any input and learning guidance appreciated.
Use a Proc
instead :
@agent.pre_connect_hooks << { sleep 1 }