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PHP custom error handler log to output

I have a script that will run on server daily to download data from a resource with no HTML output. By default PHP will output my script errors to php_error.log and to the output window in NetBeans.

I have created a user error handler:

// user defined error handling function
function userErrorHandler($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars) 
    error_log($errmsg, 3, "logs/aem.log");     
    switch ($errno) {
    case E_ERROR:
        exit("Error grave $errmsg at $filename:$linenum");
    case E_USER_ERROR:
        exit("Error grave $errmsg at $filename:$linenum");


I include this file in my main script and everything goes fine.

While I develop the app I would like to continue seeing the error messages on Output screen in Netbeans as well as keeping the error log files (as the default handler does). I have tried changing the value of error_reporting or adding additional error_log functions trying the following values:

error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
error_log($errmsg, 0);`

But I never get the error on the output unless I remove include('mycustomhandler'); from the file.

How can I emulate the behavior of the standard error handler?


  • You should try to use output to stderr (I guess netbeans parses it). For example:

    fprintf( STDERR, "Normal error message %s\n", "With nested info");

    For logging errors you may use error_log() (maybe will handle output to netbeans too) or try to parse error_log from php.ini (ini_get()).

    However I guess php uses internaly syslog(). So your error handler should look like:

    // Logging 
    function userErrorHandler($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars){
      $logLevel = 0;
      $label = '';
      $exit = false;
       switch( $errno){
         case E_ERROR:
         case E_USER_ERROR:
           $label = 'Critical error';
           $exit = true;
           $logLevel = LOG_ERR;
         // ...
       $message = "$label: on line ... file, error string...";
       if( $logLevel){
         syslog( $logLevel, $message);
       if( !ini_get( 'display_error') && $exit){
         die( 'Fatal error occured.');
       if( $label){
          echo $message; // You're responsible for how error is displayed
       if( $exit){
    error_reporting( E_ALL);

    Ask questions in comments if I didn't hit what you were asking