I am trying use filehelpersclass builder but I am kinda confused on what to do with it.
var cb = new DelimitedClassBuilder("temp", ",") { IgnoreFirstLines = 0, IgnoreEmptyLines = true, Delimiter = "," };
var sr = new StreamReader(stream);
var headerArray = sr.ReadLine().Split(',');
foreach (var header in headerArray)
var fieldName = header.Replace("\"", "").Replace(" ", "");
cb.AddField(fieldName, typeof(string));
var engine = new FileHelperEngine(cb.CreateRecordClass());
var result = engine.ReadStream(sr);
The DelimitedClassBuilder takes in as it's first parameter a "className' and then "delimiter"
// Summary:
// Creates a new DelimitedClassBuilder.
// Parameters:
// className:
// The valid class name.
// delimiter:
// The delimiter for that class.
public DelimitedClassBuilder(string className, string delimiter);
I then go through the first row of the stream what contains the header what I will later on use as the fieldNames for this "class".
The last line reads all the rest of the information and returns it as an object array[]. I see inside it they are of class "temp".
Yet I don't know how actually cast it to the class "temp". Right now I don't really know how to get at the data. I know I can't just do something like
result[0].SomeFieldName as the fieldName could change from run to run. So this also makes me wonder why it makes a class in the first place if I going to have to do something like get it by index or something.
As you can see right now I am very confused.
The easiest way is demonstrated in the examples.
You use
DataTable dt = engine.ReadStreamAsDT(sr);
and then access the results with something like:
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) // Loop over the rows.
Console.WriteLine("--- Row ---"); // Print separator.
foreach (var item in row.ItemArray) // Loop over the columns.
Console.Write("Item: "); // Print label.
/// the Type of item will be whatever you defined when you
/// called ClassBuilder.AddField() (String in your example)