I have 2 classes.
class SomeClass
int SomeFunction()
return 5;
class AnotherClass
int AnotherFunction(SomeClass obj)
return obj.SomeFunction();
I have made a mock class for SomeClass.
class MockSomeClass : public SomeClass
MOCK_METHOD0(SomeFunction, int());
Now I want in unit test that when i call AnotherClass.AnotherFunction i get result of my own choice. AnotherFunction uses function of SomeClass.SomeFunction(). I have mocked SomeClass. And I have set that when function of mocked object calls it returs 10. But when i run unit test it returns 5 (origional function). What should i do. Below is the unit test which i have written.
void TestMethod1()
MockSomeClass mock;
int expected = 10;
ON_CALL(mock, SomeFunction()).WillByDefault(Return(expected));
AnotherClass realClass;
int actual = realClass.AnotherFunction(mock);
Assert::AreEqual(expected, actual);
I am using visual studio 2008 and gmock 1.6.0. What is wrong I am doing. on realClass.AnotherFunction i want mocked output from mock.SomeFunction().
The problem is that SomeClass::SomeFunction(...) isn't virtual, make it virtual and it will work.
There is one more fundamental error that causes it to fail, that is the method signature of
int AnotherFunction(SomeClass obj)
which creates a new SomeClass object instance which will in it's turn cause the normal SomeFunction to be called, you should instead pass a reference to the mocked class as argument.
int AnotherFunction(SomeClass* obj)
and invoke it using
int actual = realClass.AnotherFunction(&mock);