I have 2 separate Liferay Instances, say Instance A which I was running from past 1 year, it has lot of articles, templates and structures, there are 3 different portals running on this same instance.
Now I have a new instance B, I want to move some of the selected articles, structures and templates from Instace A to Instance B. I am not able to find any method to do selected migration.
I can export the articles, structures and templates as a LAR file and import it in Instance B. But the problem is it by default imports all the articles, structures and templates. Is there any way to do selected Import???
The answer is no. Atleast there is no OOTB way to import selected articles. One option can be, to export the webcontent as lar from the the page itself. For example consider your Page PA on Server SA has a webcontent in webcontent display portlet called WA. Just export the webcontent as lar from the webcontent display portlet itself and then got to the page PB on server SB to import the lar in a webcontent display portlet called WB.