I am wondering about the best hosting for Rails 3.1 app based on ruby 1.9.2+. Firstly I tried Site5. Unfortunately, in the time when I tried it, they supported only ruby 1.8.7 and also, the app ran me there a bit slowly.
Then I tried (and still use) Heroku. The deployment is comfortable and that't what I absolutely the most like. But when my app use only 1 dyno, so in a moments is the app so slow (idle dyno) -> the solution are 2 dynos. But in this case - the buying second dynos costs ±$35/montly - this is not so cheap.
So I would like to ask you about your experiences - what do you prefer? Could you recommend me a good hosting solution or any Heroku like site (I know EngineYard)?
My requirements: fast run of an app, easy deployment and acceptable monthly price.
Thanks for your views.
Currently, my personal best experience belongs to Engine Yard, which at least meets your first 2 requirements.
It is pricy comparing with Linode and Heroku(w/ a few dynos). If you want to choose one between EY and AWS, I will say definitely EY, which is a bit more expensive than AWS(actually it is based on Amazon EC2), but much more convenient in terms of deployment.
You shall give a trial on EY's free 500 hours and experience it.