I don't know how to create a database into Parallels Plesk Panel, so I tried it going to the PhpMyAdmin creating the database and modifying the admin user password from there, but now the system is showing me the next error:
ERROR: PleskFatalException
Unable to connect to database: saved admin password is incorrect.
0: common_func.php3:150
psaerror(string 'Unable to connect to database: saved admin password is incorrect.')
1: auth.php3:107
ERROR: PleskFatalException
Unable to connect to database: saved admin password is incorrect.
0: common_func.php3:150
psaerror(string 'Unable to connect to database: saved admin password is incorrect.')
1: auth.php3:107
What can I do to fix it?
Try to connect to psa database:
mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` psa
In case you cannot connect, try to update admin user for mysql with this password. After that Plesk should be able to connect with this database.