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Is there a way to store a function in a list or dictionary so that when the index (or key) is called it fires off the stored function?

For instance, I've tried things like this, which doesn't work:

mydict = {
    'funcList1': [foo(), bar(), goo()],
    'funcList2': [foo(), goo(), bar()]}

Is there some kind of structure with this kind of functionality?

I realize that I could obviously do this just as easily with a bunch of def statements:

def func1():

But the number of statements I need is getting pretty unwieldy and tough to remember. It would be nice to wrap them nicely in a dictionary that I could examine the keys of now and again.


  • Functions are first class objects in Python and so you can dispatch using a dictionary. For example, if foo and bar are functions, and dispatcher is a dictionary like so.

    dispatcher = {'foo': foo, 'bar': bar}

    Note that the values are foo and bar which are the function objects, and NOT foo() and bar().

    To call foo, you can just do dispatcher['foo']()

    EDIT: If you want to run multiple functions stored in a list, you can possibly do something like this.

    dispatcher = {'foobar': [foo, bar], 'bazcat': [baz, cat]}
    def fire_all(func_list):
        for f in func_list: