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C++ __declspec( dllexport ) functions cannot access instance variables

I am trying to protect some C++ code by exporting as a DLL (on Windows/VS 2010).

In the example below var is set in the superclass constructor, and the debugger shows it is definitely set to reference something.

Test is constructed in the code that consumes the DLL the Test class is contained within.

But when go is called from on an instance of test (invoked from the DLL, but the invoking method is called by the DLL consumer) var is a null pointer (it's value is 0).

This is a simplification as I am not allowed to share the actual code.


class Base {
    __declspec(dllexport) Base();      
    Foo* var;

class Test : Base {
  __declspec(dllexport) Test();
  __declspec(dllexport) void go();


Base::Base() {
  var = new Foo();

Test::Test() : Base() {

void Test::go() {

In the consuming code, the header is

class Base {
  __declspec(dllimport) Base();

class Test {
  __declspec(dllimport) Test();
  __declspec(dllimport) void go();

The actual code is much more complex, but I would be grateful if anyone can tell me whether there are known restrictions on instance variables with dllexport, or if it is more likely that I'm calling a method on a null pointer for Test, or perhaps it is a dllexport and inheritance problem. This code worked before I split the consumer code and DLL code was in the same project, it has only broken since splitting it up, dllexporting/dllimporting functions I want to expose into a second set of headers used by the consumer.


  • When you pass a Test by value from one place to another in the "consuming code", you'll cause slicing to occur because the client code is unaware of the variable and calculates an incorrect size for the class Test.

    To solve this problem, you should declare the variable in the client code as well, or alternatively you can provide a static factory function of some kind and only allow the client code to pass pointers to Tests around to avoid slicing.