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What steps should I take to troubleshoot a installation?

I'm trying to get up and running with nUnit, which has been pretty painful so far. I have successfully installed and added a reference to the nUnit framework, and I've successfully created a simple test--but get this error when I try to use the nUnit GUI: C# .NET 4.0 Testing Framework?

On the advice of that post, I'm now trying to run nUnit from inside VS2010 with I successfully installed, but when I re-start visual studio, I simply don't see the context menus described in the quickstart. How do I know if even installed correctly? What can I do to get up set up with or nUnit?


  • If you wanna check if it's installed, go to: Tools->Add in Manager, you should see it listed there.

    If it's not there, then it is not installed, try the following:

    1. try uninstalling from control panel 'TestDriven.Net 3.0 Personal', restart, then install again while visual studio is closed

    2. make sure you download the RTM not the beta version, right click and unblock the zip file, install as admin.