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why does ezSQL return empty resultset

I have been working on something which a friend asked me. He is using ezsql for his queries and i'm pretty new with it. Though i used it in the same project.

Here is the database columns and data to see it clearly enter image description here

And the part of the code which fails:

    $customsql = new ezSQL_mysql();
    $customsql->query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); 
    $customsql->query("SELECT * FROM uyeler WHERE email='".escape($_POST['eposta'])."' AND sifre='".escape($_POST['sifre'])."'");
            //Things to do if user is activated.
            $hata='Onay:'.$customsql->onay.' -Error: Bu eposta adresiyle kayıtlı onaylanmamış bir kullanıcı var. Lütfen epostanızı onaylayın.';

"onay" is varchar in database. And here is the result: enter image description here

While it is working in registration process, why doesn't it work here?

Thanks in advance.


  • I found the problem. There were 2 mistakes above.

    1- Assign query results to a variable.

    2- "get_results" if you are expecting more than one row from your query. ("get_row" if you want just one row and "get_var" if you query for just one column instead of *)

    Here is how you should use the query which you need results from:

    $customsql = new ezSQL_mysql();
    $customsql->query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); 
    $yourvariable=$customsql->get_row("SELECT * FROM uyeler WHERE email='".escape($_POST['eposta'])."' AND sifre='".escape($_POST['sifre'])."'");
            //Things to do if user is activated.
            $hata='Onay:'.$customsql->onay.' -Error: Bu eposta adresiyle kayıtlı onaylanmamış bir kullanıcı var. Lütfen epostanızı onaylayın.';