I am using coldfusion's imageGetIPTCMetadata() function to get the iptc keywords.
I used Photomechanics to insert some keywords in a hierarchical fashion like this
Personnel | Appointments | Assistant Chief of General Staff (ACGS), Personnel | Ranks | Royal Marine | Colour Sergeant (CSgt), Personnel | Ranks | Royal Navy | Chief Petty Officer (CPO), Personnel|Ranks|Army|Field Marshall (Fd Marshall) (FM)
But after I call the method in my CFC I get this -
How can I get the keywords with a delimeter or something so that I can reuse them in my code.
I found the solution here:
<cfparam name="URL.source" default="xmp-asset.jpg">
<cffile action="readbinary" file="#ExpandPath(URL.source)#" variable="data">
<!-- encode the binary data to hex -->
<cfset hex_data = BinaryEncode(data,"hex") />
<!-- string indicating beginning of packet '<x:xmpmeta' -->
<cfset xmp_string_begin = "3C783A786D706D657461" />
<!-- string indicating end of packet '</x:xmpmeta>' -->
<cfset xmp_string_end = "3C2F783A786D706D6574613E" />
<!-- find the starting index in the hex string -->
<cfset idx_start = FindNoCase(xmp_string_begin,hex_data) />
<!-- find the ending index in the hex string -->
<cfset idx_end = FindNoCase(xmp_string_end,hex_data,idx_start) + Len(xmp_string_end) />
<!-- using the start and end indices, extract the xmp packet -->
<cfset xmp_hex = Mid(hex_data,idx_start,Evaluate(idx_end-idx_start)) />
<!-- convert the hex to readable characters -->
<cfset xmp_string = ToString(BinaryDecode(xmp_hex,"hex")) />
<!-- parse the xml string to and xml structure -->
<cfset xmp_xml = XmlParse(xmp_string) />
<cfcontent type="text/xml">
Now I can get the entire XMP xml and do all I want to do with the data there.