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Call method in ViewDidLoad()

I'm calling a method on a key event which updates a label.

    [self updateFolderText];

When I do this in the event method it works, but when I try to do this in the ViewDidLoad() I get a compiler error.

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];     
    [self updateFolderText];

I get the following error:

    error: Automatic Reference Counting Issue: Receiver type 'ViewController' 
for instance message does not declare a method with selector 'updateFolderText'

Ehm... I guess this must be trivial... I'm new to objective-c. Thanks. :)


  • The issue is probably because your method updateFolderText is defined below viewDidLoad. Move your code for updateFolderText below, and it should work.

    Or, you can declare the method explicitly in your class. Add the following above @implementation.

    @interface className()
    -(void)yourMethod; //not sure how youve fully define updateFolderText

    or, as you say, you can also define it in your header file:

    -(void)yourMethod; //not sure how youve fully define updateFolderText