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Eclipse & Pydev: How to break on exceptions in my code only

Pydev 2.2 added a great functionality allowing us to break on exceptions.

My problem is that I'm getting tons of exceptions from the python libs before I even get to my code.

Is there a way to configure PyDev to only break on exceptions raised in my code?

To be specific: I want to break when the exception occurs - not when it's caught

Thanks in advance!


  • [Edit]

    Note that on newer PyDev versions, PyDev now supports this in the UI: enable the debug perspective and select PyDev > Manage Exception Breakpoints.

    [End Edit]

    There's nothing in the UI for that, but you can do the following:

    In eclipse/plugins/org.python.pydev.debug/pysrc/, edit the method handle_exception, and make its first lines something as:

    def handle_exception(self, frame, event, arg):
        if 'my_module' not in self._args[1]:

    (the self._args[1] is the filename where the caught exception was found, so, you can use any heuristic there based on where the code you want to catch exceptions in is located).