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jQuery UI Slider logarithmic scale

I'm using this jQuery UI code use for a logarithmic slider:

var minVal = 10;
var maxVal = 100;
    range: true,
    min: minVal,
    max: maxVal / 2,
    values: [minVal, maxVal],
    slide: function(event, ui) {
        $("#amount_min").val(Number(expon(ui.values[0], minVal, maxVal)).toFixed(0));
        $("#amount_max").val(Number(expon(ui.values[1], minVal, maxVal)).toFixed(0));

The expon function is:

function expon(val, min,max) {
    var minv = Math.log(min);
    var maxv = Math.log(max);
    max = max / 2;

    // calculate adjustment factor
    var scale = (maxv - minv) / (max - min);

    return Math.exp(minv + scale * (val - min));

#amount_min and #amount_max are HTML input elements. The code above works just fine to get values from the slider and to put them to the input elements.

But now I need the function opposite to expon() — to change the slider when I change the values of the inputs. Can anybody help me with this?


  • I found the solution here: Logarithmic slider

    I've used your very helpful code for a project... this is what I have:

    var gMinPrice = 100;
    var gMaxPrice = 1000; //in my project these are dynamic
    function expon(val){
        var minv = Math.log(gMinPrice);
        var maxv = Math.log(gMaxPrice);
        var scale = (maxv-minv) / (gMaxPrice-gMinPrice);
        return Math.exp(minv + scale*(val-gMinPrice));
    function logposition(val){
        var minv = Math.log(gMinPrice);
        var maxv = Math.log(gMaxPrice);
        var scale = (maxv-minv) / (gMaxPrice-gMinPrice);
        return (Math.log(val)-minv) / scale + gMinPrice;

    I then change my slider positions using this code:

    var gBudgetBottom, gBudgetTop;
        change: function(event, ui){ // inside your slider instance
            gBudgetBottom = Number(expon(ui.values[0])).toFixed(0);
            gBudgetTop = Number(expon(ui.values[1])).toFixed(0);
    $('#priceSlider').slider({ values: [Number(logposition(gBudgetBottom)).toFixed(0), Number(logposition(gBudgetTop)).toFixed(0)] });

    I hope that works for you :)