I noticed that for problems such as Cloudbalancing, move factories exist to generate moves and swaps. A "move move" transfers a cloud process from one computer to another. A "swap move" swaps any two processes from their respective computers.
I am developing a timetabling application.
(a combination of subject and teacher) have
only a subset of Period
s to which they may be assigned. If Jane teaches 6 hours at a class, there are 6 subjectTeacherHour
s each which have to be allocated a Period
, from a possible 30 Period
s of that class ;unlike the cloudbalance example, where a process can move to any computer. subjectTeacherHour
may be allocated a Period
(naturally).It tries to place subjectTeacherHour
to eligible Periods
, till an optimal combination is found.
The manual seems to recommend it.
...However, as the traveling tournament example proves, if you can remove a hard constraint by using a certain set of big moves, you can win performance and scalability...
...The `[version with big moves] evaluates a lot less unfeasible solutions, which enables it to outperform and outscale the simple version....
...It's generally a good idea to use several selectors, mixing fine grained moves and course grained moves:...
While only one subjectTeacher
may be allocated to Period
, the solver must temporarily break such a constraint to discover that swapping two certain Period
allocations lead to a better solution. A swap move "removes this brick wall" between those two states.
So a swap move can help lead to better solutions much faster.
A subjectTeacher
have only a subset of Period
s to which they may be assigned. So finding intersecting (common) hours between any two subjectTeacher
s is a bit tough (but doable in an elegant way: Good algorithm/technique to find overlapping values from objects' properties? ) .
Will it only give me only small gains in time and optimality?
I am also worried about crazy interactions having two kinds of moves may cause, leading to getting stuck at a bad solution.
Swap moves are crucial.
Consider 2 courses assigned to a room which is fully booked. Without swapping, it would have to break a hard constraint to move 1 course to a conflicted room and chose that move as the step (which is unlikely).
You can use the build-in generic swap MoveFactory. If you write your own, you can say the swap move isDoable() false when your moving either sides to an ineligible period.