$subdomain ='hello.cheapantivirus.me';
$ns1 = 'ns01.000webhost.com';
$host = "@$ns1 $subdomain";
$ip = `/usr/bin/dig $host +short A`;
echo $ip; // output is
$ip3 = '';
if(filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) {
echo "valid";
else {
echo " not valid"; // the $ip is invalid
if(filter_var($ip3, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) {
echo "valid"; // somehow this one is valid
else {
echo " not valid";
My question is why is $ip filter is being shown as invalid but $ip3 when I assign the IP manually the $ip3 filter is being shown as valid. Help me please?
The command line output may contain trailing spaces or line breaks.
$ip = trim($ip);
before doing the validation.