i am trying to send an html page which includes image and text. The problem is that image in not shown when i send it. what could be the solution for it ? thaks in advance..
My code is :
[picker addAttachmentData:myData mimeType:@"pdf" fileName:@"ShowerDoorsQuotation.pdf"];
NSString *emailBody = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<html>
<body><img src='ShowerDoors/ShowerDoors/logo.png' width='150px' height='150px'/>
[picker setMessageBody:emailBody isHTML:YES];
[self presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES];
[picker release];
I think you are put the image URL like this src='ShowerDoors/ShowerDoors/logo.png'
Change to the FULL URL like http://www.example.com/ShowerDoors/ShowerDoors/logo.png
, It may be works...