Lets say i have created a small game with XNA. Now i can change the windows attributes of the Game by simply obtaining its Form Object by casting & do stuff with it as i can do with normal C# form.
Form MyGameForm = (Form)Form.FromHandle(Window.Handle);
MyGameForm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;
now i want that this window(Form) should Always-on-Bottom, complete opposite of Always-on-Top. Meaning the window should stay on the back and never take focus even if i interact with it.
i don't know how to do it but for other stuff in C# we override that function and process whatever we want and return false. For input n text boxes etc. but i don't know how to over ride form focus method or what sets form to on top or bottom or at any index in opened windows on desktop.
no need for it now, i have got the solution, i will simple avoid animating all the stuff for my self and use something that they already built, Windows Dreamscene.