I have a FOR /F statement which I want it to enumerate the delims the command is parsing. For example:
FOR /F "delims=," %%A IN ("This,is,a,comma,delimited,sentence") DO (
some command to enumerate delims
I want it to account for each delimited item in that sentence. In this case it would output 6
EDIT: I know the long way would be to do a check on each one.. but I'm trying to avoid that method:
IF %%A == [] SET enum=0 && GOTO:OUT
IF %%B == [] SET enum=1 && GOTO:OUT
There is NO way to directly enumerate items in a FOR /F "delims=..." command. The usual way to do that is via a loop that count one item, eliminate it from the sentence and repeat while there was a counted item.
However, depending on the specific delimiter and the rest of characters in the sentence, you may use a FOR command (with no /F option) that will REPEAT its code with each item separated BY THE STANDARD BATCH DELIMITERS, that are comma, semicolon and equal-sign, besides spaces. In your particular example:
FOR %%A IN (This,is,a,comma,delimited,sentence) DO SET /A ENUM+=1
directly count the number of comma-separated items. If the delimiter is a character other than comma, semicolon or equal-sign, a possible solution is a three steps method:
1- Replace spaces, comma, semicolon and equal-sign for another know character(s).
2- Replace the delimiter for any Batch standard delimiter (space, comma, etc).
3- Use a simple FOR to directly enumerate the items.