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Business Intelligence - analyzing events rather than aggregates? What's the right approach

I currently analyze our customer data and trends by a number of SQL queries; and the testing of a hypothesis can be time-expensive.

For instance, we have a table of our customer info and a table of our customer service calls, indexed by customer. I'd like to find out if a particular cohort of customers had more CS issues than another; and if there is any correlation between customer service calls and increased cancel rates.

I was looking into MS's BI studio, as we're running MSSQL 2008 already; but most of what I've read focuses on carefully constructed MDX cubes that aggregate numerical data; so in the above model, I'd have to build a cube of facts (number of CS calls and types) and then use the customer data as dimensions. Fair enough, but in the time it'd take me to do that, I could just write the query manually in TSQL.

My DB is small enough that the speed gains from a separate datamart aren't necessary -- what I'm looking for is a flexible way of looking at my data, by creating a Customer 'Object' and tying all sorts of data, actions and numerical values to them. And I'd rather have the data extracted from my existing tables rather than having to ETL to a separate table.

Ideally at some point, I'd be able to use Data Mining tools for predictive analysis, but right now I'm going after low hanging fruit -- do customers from this ad campaign cancel more than the other one; etc.

Am I barking up the wrong tree with SQL Analysis Services/MDX cubes? Or does what I'm talking about not exist easily to begin with? Any advice, directions to products, or insight greatly appreciated.


  • It depends on who you want to do the analysis. If you are the one who is going to do the analysis, you know SQL, and you understand the structure of your data, then there's no real benefit to doing extra work to simply change the structure of the data. You want to use BI tools when you want to make that data available to others who don't know SQL, and don't necessarily know the relationships between different tables of data that are out there. You're in essence adding an abstraction layer to hide all this complexity from them, but still allow them to do the analysis. Of course the side effect of the abstraction is that you end up adding some limitations, but the trade-off is that the information is available to more people.