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Spork with Capybara on Windows 7

Here is my problem:
I have started spork on my Windows 7 and it just works fine (2 magazine_slave_service are setup -- after several attempts though). But when I run bundle exec rspec spec to execute my RSpec tests on another console, it gives me this error message:

undefined method 'read_all' for nil:NilClass <NoMethodError>

It's in 1.8/gems/...../lib/spork/run_strategy/magazine.rb:89:in 'run'

P.S: When I run rake spec it just does what's expected, my problem shows up when I want to use spork to speed up my BDD.

I'm running spork on Win7-x86/Ruby1.8.7.

Any ideas?


  • And the answer is:

    1. Add gem 'spork', '> 0.9.0.rc9' (Instead of gem 'spork', '~> 0.9.0.rc9')
    2. Run "rspec spec/models" (for models)

    Although, in general spork seems like doesn't work fine in windows ..sometimes it can't fork the processes properly. It works fine randomly (at least for me!)..You should try again and again to get it working.