Would appreciate some assistance
i have a txt file witht he following contents:
I want to delete the entry where the animal is "dog" living in an "house"
if (isset($_POST['delete_entry]))
//identifies the file
$file = "db.txt";
//opens the file to read
@$fpo = fopen($file, 'r');
//while we have not reached the end of the file
//read each line of the file into an array called animal
$animal[] = fgets($fpo);
//close the file
//iterate through the array
foreach ($animal as $a)
if the string contains dog and apartment
if ((stripos ($a, 'dog']))&&(stripos ($a, 'house')))
//dont do anything
//otherwise print out the string
echo $a.'<br/>';
This successfully prints out the array without the entry where 'dog' and 'house' appears. I need to write this back to the flat file though, but running into difficulties.
I have tried a variety of options include writting back to the file immediately when each entry is found.
Warning: feof() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in
Warning: fwrite(): 9 is not a valid stream resource in
Warning: fclose(): 9 is not a valid stream resource in
These are amongst the errors i have encountered. Now from my understanding of arrays,
- when i go through this array called animal,
- it checks index [0] for the two conditions and
- if the entry is not found, it assigns to to $a.
- It then goes through the array starting at index [1],
- and so forth.
Each time the new value is assigned to $a.
I thought that printing it to file each time it appears might work, but this is where i get the fwrite and fclose errors above, and no idea how to resolve this (yet).
I still have to do the bit where i need to replace 'apartment' with house, for one specifically selected entry, but will get there once I have sorted out the "delete"
I dont need code, maybe just a logic flow that might assist me.
To save some time, you could store your data in array only if it passes your validation rules when it's being read from file, and after reading the end of file, you'd have array ready for writing it back to file.