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Correct way to retrieve mails by IMAP in symfony2

I have to develop simple mail client in symfony2 using IMAP. Im wondering what is best way to retrieve messages from server (lets take a gmail as example)?

I did something like this:

public function indexAction($name)
    $user = '';
    $password = 'password';
    $mailbox = "{}INBOX";
    $mbx = imap_open($mailbox , $user , $password);
    $ck = imap_check($mbx);
    $mails = imap_fetch_overview($mbx,"1:5");
    return $this->render('HtstMailBundle:Mail:index.html.twig',array('name'=>$name,'mail'=>$mails));

is this right way, or not? It works, but is it compatible with symfony "standards"?


  • This has nothing to do with symfony "standards". But you can make your code more OOP if you move all login to a service class and use symfony DepencyInjection to create and get your service:

    public function indexAction($name)
        $user = '';
        $password = 'password';
        $mailbox = "{}INBOX";
        $mails = $this->get("mail.checker")->receive($user, $password, $mailbox);
        return $this->render('HtstMailBundle:Mail:index.html.twig',array('name'=>$name,'mail'=>$mails));

    Class declaration:

    class MailChecker
        public function receive($user, $password, $mailbox)

    service declartion:

            class: Project\YourBundle\Service\MailChecker