I'm using Google Sites without Google Apps.
I registered a free domain at co.cc and wish to use my Google Sites site by Mapping Google Sites site to my own URL
At the co.cc configuration panel, I added a new CNAME record :
Host : www.tedxeasternmetropolitanbypass.co.cc TTL : 1D Type : CNAME Value : ghs.google.com
And at the Google Sites panel https://sites.google.com/site/tedxembypass/system/app/pages/admin/address
I added: www.tedxeasternmetropolitanbypass.co.cc
Nevertheless, http://www.tedxeasternmetropolitanbypass.co.cc/ doesn't seem to work.
Where am I wrong?
This seems to be working for me. Did you give it enough time after you added it? Don't forget that DNS propagations take ~24hrs to complete (around the world).