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RVM configuration issue - "Missing RVM environment file"

First time installing RoR and things are a bit confusing.

I first installed Ruby through apt-get only to realize that this is not way to go. After Installing ruby and rails with RVM, I ran into trouble with Readline. Fixed it by following troubleshooting steps. I thought that I got everyting working. I was wrong.

Now that I opened new shell and typed $ ruby, I got:

ERROR: Missing RVM environment file: '/home/user/.rvm/environments/ruby-1.9.2-p180'

There is no such file. What has happened? Should I just rm my .rvm directory and start anew? What did I do wrong?


  • As per your edit:

    After rm -rf ~/.rvm and running rvm install 1.9.3 I still experienced problems, but after rvm list I discovered that default was missing so rvm alias create default 1.9.3 resolved the issue.