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find restaurents and tourist places by augmented reality

in my app i want to use augmented reality to find places like family restaurants etc.. What i want to do is that when i start my app camera turned on and then i want to locate the places in the direction of the camera .for example i start the app and i m facing the east and phone keypad is facing towards me i.e west,then the places which are in east direction. i have written some code which starts the camera, please suggest any api available for this task and example and tutorial to do that .thanks in advance. here is my code.

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // try{


sensorMan = (SensorManager) getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);

        //lastUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis();

sensorMan.registerListener(this, sensorMan.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER), 
    }//end of oncreate

    public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        if (event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER) {

Toast.makeText(this, "X-rawDirection->"+event.values[0], Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Toast.makeText(this, "Y-rawDirection->"+event.values[1], Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Toast.makeText(this, "Z-rawDirection->"+event.values[2], Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


            if (event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION) {

    Toast.makeText(this, "X-rawDirection TYPE_ORIENTATION->"+event.values[0], Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    Toast.makeText(this, "Y-rawDirection TYPE_ORIENTATION->"+event.values[1], Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    Toast.makeText(this, "Z-rawDirection TYPE_ORIENTATION->"+event.values[2], Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();




  • Here is the important link.

    now all i need to do is the parse the xml file and get the places..