hi i know where my code is going wrong, but don't know how to fix it...
on the TextChanged event, i call my validation function which does (is supposed to do) the following:
problem is since it is in the textchanged event, i'm trying to fight it to prevent it from tabbing twice (which it is doing). because the if i step through, the initial letter entered is the first textchanged event, then if it is a notallowedcharacter, the function is called again, but if it is a letter, the ToUpper may be changing it again so tab is getting sent twice. any ideas? i know there's a way to do this without setting up some complex bools....
private void validateTextInteger(object sender, EventArgs e)
TextBox T = (TextBox)sender;
//Not Allowing Numbers, Underscore or Hash
char[] UnallowedCharacters = { '0', '1','2', '3', '4', '5','6', '7','8', '9','_','#','%','$','@','!','&',
if (textContainsUnallowedCharacter(T.Text, UnallowedCharacters))
int CursorIndex = T.SelectionStart - 1;
T.Text = T.Text.Remove(CursorIndex, 1);
//Align Cursor to same index
T.SelectionStart = CursorIndex;
T.SelectionLength = 0;
catch (Exception) { }
T.Text = T.Text.ToUpper();
if (T.Text.Length > 0)
//how do i prevent this (or this function) from getting called twice???
Instead of using SendKeys to simulate a TAB keypress, you can find the next visible control in the tab order and call Focus on it. Something like this:
private void FocusOnNextVisibleControl(Control currentControl)
Form form = currentControl.FindForm();
Control nextControl = form.GetNextControl(currentControl, true);
while (nextControl != null && !nextControl.Visible && nextControl != currentControl)
nextControl = form.GetNextControl(nextControl, true);
if (nextControl != null && nextControl.Visible)
To call this method, replace SendKeys.Send("{TAB}");
with FocusOnNextVisibleControl(T);