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Setup Kernel Debugging on Host PC (Win 7 64 bit) over 1394 (Firewire)?

I have working kernel debug setup on old host computer with Windows Xp. On the new computer i get preinstalled Win 7. I have installed PCI to Firewire card (usb-5pci3pfw).I have installed WinDDK (7600.16385.1).

So I go to C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1\Debuggers and run as administrator windbg.exe (

Choose File > Kernel Debugging > 1394 > and select channel like on target and get this message:


Using 1394 for debugging

Checking 1394 debug driver version.

Could not find C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\1394kdbg.sys.

Cannot install a 32 bit driver on a 64 bit host.

Please run the 64 bit native version of this debugger to

upgrade to the latest version of 1394kdbg.sys.

Kernel debugger failed initialization, HRESULT 0x80004005

               "Unspecified error"

I expect that WinDbg will make install of the 1394kdbg.sys driver.

Yes in C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1\Debuggers\1394 directory there 1394kdbg.sys and 1394dbg.inf.

In inf file there install section only for 32 bit.

I try to add 64 bit section and install driver but it doesn't helps.

Does somebody know the right way to install kernel debugging on Win 7 64 bit Host?


  • You have to install and use the x64 debugging tools.

    These should be part of the Windows SDK.