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SVN Weirdness Day 2: SVN List and SVN Update Report Different Things

In a subdirectory of my svn working copy, I do

svn list

I see that there are 6 files in the repository (same as I see with SVNX). Nice. But in my working copy, there are two files, which are from some historical point that I do not remember. So I do

svn update

and it says that all files are up to date to revision 122 (which is the head revision). How can there be a difference between doing an update and a list? More importantly, how can I get those files back without doing a fresh checkout?

I know that the answer will either reveal that I'm a complete newbie OR that svn is a terrible kludge. Personally, I just want to get back to work.

Edit: svn cleanup does nothing at all, and svn status reports nothing at all.

Edit: Here's exactly what I did, since one of the commenters asked.

root@Dans-13:/dans-data/php/nasa-secrets-revealed/trunk/images/testmenu$svn update
At revision 122.
root@Dans-13:/dans-data/php/nasa-secrets-revealed/trunk/images/testmenu$svn list
.svn        graph-big0.gif  graph0.gif


  • You might have a sparse checkout. Try

    svn update --depth infinity --set-depth infinity