So I'm wiring up my first MasterPage, and everything is working great except for one thing. This is a legacy app, and I have an old BasePage class that all my content pages inherit. It inherits from System.Web.UI.Page, but has no content itself (no .aspx file). It runs a bunch of the user authentication/role granting menu building. I want to keep this functionality but use it to set controls on my MasterPage to build out the menus. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to reference the MasterPage properties without a MasterType declaration in a content page.
My MasterPage class is called NIMS_Master, and I have the following in it (just trying to get started):
public partial class NIMS_Master : System.Web.UI.MasterPage
public string MenuList { get; set; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
With a MasterType declaration in one of my content pages:
<%@ MasterType VirtualPath="~/NIMS_Master.master" %>
I can access my property in Login.aspx.cs as follows:
this.Master.MenuList = "this is the menu list";
But in my BasePage.cs, I have nowhere to put the MasterType declaration. All the google searches indicate I have to cast my NIMS_Master class as a Master, but I cannot get it to work to save my life. I've tried several different things, but my NIMS_Master class just doesn't show up in BasePage.
((this.Master)NIMS_Master).MenuList = "This is a menu list";
BasePage.cs is in my App_Code directory and my MasterPage file is in the application root, if that matters.
So I had my BasePage in App_Code and was trying to set a property of my NIMS_Master class which was in the application root directory. I had to create a MasterBase class that inherits from System.Web.UI.MasterPage in App_Code and put my properties there. Sheesh, I'm not even sure why I thought I could access those class properties from within app_code.