I am trying to generate refinery-new in my refinerycms and facing following error...
$ rails generate refinerycms-news
Could not find generator refinerycms-news
I have already installed refinerycms-news by using this command
gem install refinerycms-news
i have already installed follow gems but i dont know what is the actual problem :(
$ bundle list
Gems included by the bundle:
* abstract (1.0.0)
* actionmailer (3.0.11)
* actionpack (3.0.11)
* activemodel (3.0.11)
* activerecord (3.0.11)
* activeresource (3.0.11)
* activesupport (3.0.11)
* acts_as_indexed (0.7.7)
* arel (2.0.10)
* awesome_nested_set (2.1.2)
* babosa (0.3.6)
* bcrypt-ruby (3.0.1)
* builder (2.1.2)
* bundler (1.0.21)
* devise (1.4.9)
* dragonfly (0.9.10)
* erubis (2.6.6)
* friendly_id_globalize3 (
* globalize3 (0.1.0)
* i18n (0.5.0)
* json (1.6.5)
* mail (2.2.19)
* mime-types (1.17.2)
* orm_adapter (0.0.6)
* polyglot (0.3.3)
* rack (1.2.5)
* rack-cache (1.1)
* rack-mount (0.6.14)
* rack-test (0.5.7)
* rails (3.0.11)
* railties (3.0.11)
* rake (
* rdoc (3.12)
* refinerycms (1.0.9)
* refinerycms-authentication (1.0.9)
* refinerycms-base (1.0.9)
* refinerycms-core (1.0.9)
* refinerycms-dashboard (1.0.9)
* refinerycms-events (1.0)
* refinerycms-generators (1.0.4)
* refinerycms-i18n (1.0.0)
* refinerycms-images (1.0.9)
* refinerycms-pages (1.0.9)
* refinerycms-news (1.2.0)
* refinerycms-resources (1.0.9)
* refinerycms-settings (1.0.9)
* routing-filter (0.3.0)
* seo_meta (1.1.1)
* sqlite3 (1.3.5)
* thor (0.14.6)
* treetop (1.4.10)
* truncate_html (0.5.1)
* tzinfo (0.3.31)
* warden (1.0.6)
* will_paginate (3.0.3)
please help me
actually #
in ruby is a comment. all code after # will not run
So when you remove #
bundler install refinerycms-news too