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Ambiguous overload for 'operator='

I am trying to compile some C++ code from the Festival project. When I compile Festival, I get the following errors:

Making in directory ./src ...
Making in directory src/arch ...
Making in directory src/arch/festival ...
Making in directory src/modules ...
Making in directory src/modules/rxp ...
Making in directory src/modules/clunits ...
Making in directory src/modules/clustergen ...
Making in directory src/modules/MultiSyn ...
Making in directory src/modules/MultiSyn/inst_tmpl ...
Making in directory src/modules/hts_engine ...
Making in directory src/modules/diphone ...
gcc -c -g -I../include -I../../../src/include -I../../../../speech_tools/include In function ‘void load_index(DIPHONE_DATABASE*)’: error: ambiguous overload for ‘operator=’ in ‘line = EST_TokenStream::get_upto_eoln()()’
../../../../speech_tools/include/EST_String.h:477: note: candidates are: EST_String& EST_String::operator=(const char*) <near match>
../../../../speech_tools/include/EST_String.h:479: note:                 EST_String& EST_String::operator=(char) <near match>
../../../../speech_tools/include/EST_String.h:481: note:                 EST_String& EST_String::operator=(const EST_String&) <near match>
make[3]: *** [di_io.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** [diphone] Error 2
make[1]: *** [modules] Error 2
make: *** [src] Error 2  

The function where the error occurs:

static void load_index(DIPHONE_DATABASE *database)
    EST_TokenStream ts;
    int i;
    EST_String line;

    if (>index_file) == -1)
    cerr << "Diphone: Can't open file " << database->index_file << endl;

    for (i=0; (!ts.eof()) && (i<database->ndiphs);)
    line = ts.get_upto_eoln();   //this is
    if ((line.length() > 0) && (line[0] != ';'))
        EST_TokenStream ls;
        database->indx[i]->diph = wstrdup(ls.get().string());
        database->indx[i]->file = wstrdup(ls.get().string());
        database->indx[i]->beg = atof(ls.get().string());
        database->indx[i]->mid = atof(ls.get().string());
        database->indx[i]->end = atof(ls.get().string());

    if (i == database->ndiphs)
    cerr << "Diphone: too many diphones in DB" << endl;

    database->nindex = i;
    database->ndiphs = i;


How can I get rid of the above error?


  • I'll assume that the non-standard types you're using are from the speech-tools library, documented here, since that was what I found when I googled the class names. If that's wrong, please update the question to indicate where they come from.

    I'll also assume that the error line (line 111 of is the one that says:

    line = ts.get_upto_eoln();

    since that's the only one I can see that could cause that error message; again, if it's a different line please update the question.

    EST_TokenStream::get_upto_eoln returns EST_Token. You are trying to assign it to a variable of a different type (EST_String), and there is no implicit conversion.

    You can convert the function result to EST_String using its string function:

    line = ts.get_upto_eoln().string();