My problem is the following.
Plotting a set of 2D points on the plane having a function used to give intensity for every point.
Plus, I have a graph connecting these points. I need to display the graph on the density plot, this is definitely necessary.
Got no clue how to do it. I searched a little the Mathematica documentation but I could not find much.
Whenever someone finds a solution to this, I have also a question. How is it piossible to use the graph functionality on the density plot diagram? For example, if I wanted to show the labels on vertices, is it possible to have some sort of parametrized solution. Maybe I am requiring too much, this is only a little note, skip it if it takes too much time.
I am requiring a 2D graph. Not a 3D one. Just a 2D is fine.
has an option VertexCoordinates
with which you can specify the coordinates of the vertices, so you could plot a ListDensityPlot
and a Graph
on top of each other. For example, suppose your data is something like
f[x_, y_] := x + y
pts = RandomReal[1, {40, 2}]; (* xy coordinates *)
edges = Flatten[Table[{i -> Position[pts, #][[1, 1]]} & /@
Rest[Nearest[pts, pts[[i]], 4]], {i, Length[pts]}]];
edges = Union[edges, SameTest -> (SameQ[#1, #2] || SameQ[#1, Reverse[#2]] &)];
Then you could do something like
densPlot = ListDensityPlot[{##, f[##]} & @@@ pts];
graph = Graph[Range[Length[pts]], edges,
VertexCoordinates -> pts,
VertexShapeFunction -> "Square",
VertexSize -> 1.5, VertexLabels -> "Name",
EdgeStyle -> Directive[Opacity[1], White]];
Show[densPlot, graph]