I've created a dynamic website where lots of the content is generated by RSS feeds from
The website displays live currency rates like such:
Hopefully you get the idea of the contents I'm displaying across a 3 column template.
The feed URL's to are set up in a script that I've called cityConfig.php
// Feed URL's //
$theMoneyConverter = '';
// Define arrays //
$cities = array('London', 'New York', 'Paris');
$currencySource = array($theMoneyConverter . 'GBP/rss.xml?x=15', $theMoneyConverter . 'USD/rss.xml?x=16', $theMoneyConverter . 'EUR/rss.xml?x=56');
The feed URL's are stored in the $currencySource
array. I have added an argument onto the end of each URL. For example, the first item in the array has ?x=15
added onto the end of the existing feed. This argument corresponds to the position of the <item>
XML tag from the feed URL.
The tag is accessed by the following line of code which is inside a function that will displayed when I get to it.
$currency['rate'] = $xml->channel->item[$x]->description;
Notice the $x
variable above which I'm passing the argument into.
The following functions are located in my getCurrencyRate.php
// Get XML data from source
// Check feed exists
function get_currency_xml($currencySource) {
if (isset($currencySource)) {
$feed = $currencySource;
} else {
echo 'Feed not found. Check URL';
if (!$feed) {
echo('Feed not found');
return $feed;
function get_currency_rate($feed) {
$xml = new SimpleXmlElement($feed);
$rate = get_rate($xml, 15); //EUR 15
if ($feed == '') {
$rate = get_rate($xml, 16); //GBP 16
} else {
$rate = get_rate($xml, 56); //USD 56
Notice above that I have hard coded the values 15, 16 and 56
The output from this can be viewed in the first image at the top of the post. What I am trying to do is get these values parsed in from the argument set in the feed as shown in cityConfig.php
The get_rate
function above calls the following:
// Get and return currency rate
// Perform regular expression to extract numeric data
// Split title string to extract currency title
function get_rate(SimpleXMLElement $xml, $x) {
$x = (int)$x;
$currency['rate'] = $xml->channel->item[$x]->description;
preg_match('/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/', $currency['rate'], $matches);
$rate = $matches[0];
$title['rate'] = $xml->channel->item[$x]->title;
$title = explode('/', $title['rate']);
$title = $title[0];
echo $rate . ' ' . $title . '<br />';
To achieve my goal I have altered the get_currency_rate
function from above by adding the following lines of code and replacing the numeric value to variable $x
$vars = parse_url($feed, PHP_URL_QUERY);
and the modified function:
function get_currency_rate($feed) {
$xml = new SimpleXmlElement($feed);
$vars = parse_url($feed, PHP_URL_QUERY);
$rate = get_rate($xml, $x); //EUR 15
if ($feed == '') {
$rate = get_rate($xml, $x); //GBP 16
} else {
$rate = get_rate($xml, $x); //USD 56
The output from the above displays:
I am expecting the same output in the columns as before but this one is different. Any ideas where I've gone wrong?
Thanks in advance
Look at your code in your first get_currency_rate
$rate = get_rate($xml, 15); //EUR 15 if ($feed == '') { $rate = get_rate($xml, 16); //GBP 16 } else { $rate = get_rate($xml, 56); //USD 56 }
Let's examine what it does execute. Either this,
$rate = get_rate($xml, 15); //EUR 15 $rate = get_rate($xml, 16); //GBP 16
or this,
$rate = get_rate($xml, 15); //EUR 15 $rate = get_rate($xml, 56); //USD 56
Now. Consider what your new get_currency_rate
function will actually execute.
$vars = parse_url($feed, PHP_URL_QUERY); parse_str($vars); # This will mean $x = 15, 16 or whatever. This will be depending of your $feed. # If your $feed **is** # It will mean $x = 16 and the following code will be executed. $rate = get_rate($xml, 16); //EUR 15 # $x = 16 if ($feed == '') { $rate = get_rate($xml, 16); //GBP 16 # $x = 16 }
$vars = parse_url($feed, PHP_URL_QUERY); parse_str($vars); # If your $feed **is** # It will mean $x = 15 and the following code will be executed. $rate = get_rate($xml, 15); //EUR 15 # $x = 15 if ($feed == '') { } else { $rate = get_rate($xml, 15); //USD 56 # $x = 15 }
So, basically what you are running are allways two identical calls to get_rate.
Like so,
$rate = get_rate($xml, 15); //EUR 15 # $x = 15 $rate = get_rate($xml, 15); //USD 56 # $x = 15
I trust by now, you can spot the error. They will both result in the same line beeing printed out.
0.76429 EUR 0.76429 EUR
As a solution, I would suggest a switch-case construction somewhat like the followng:
function get_currency_rate($feed) { $xml = new SimpleXmlElement($feed); $vars = parse_url($feed, PHP_URL_QUERY); parse_str($vars); switch ($x) { case 15: get_rate($xml, 16); //GBP 16 get_rate($xml, 56); //USD 56 break; case 16: get_rate($xml, 15); //EUR 15 get_rate($xml, 56); //USD 56 break; case 56: default: get_rate($xml, 15); // EUR 15 get_rate($xml, 16); // GBP 16 break; } }