I'm trying to parse the result string from a system command to an external program.
[status,result] = system(cmd);
result prints out on my console with its lines correctly broken out, i.e.
But it's actually just a single long character array, and there are no newline characters anywhere. How does matlab know when to print out a new line? And how can I separate the char array into its separate lines for further parsing. Thanks!
Depending on operation system different characters represent end of line. It can be \n
, \r
, \f
or their combination. Those characters have ASCII code less then 30. So you can look for them with, for example, find(results < 30)
to display their position in the string , and int32(results(results < 30))
to see their code.
ans =
10 13 12
Then you can use the code you get to split the string:
regexp(results, char(13), 'split')
If you are not interested on which characters are used as end-of-line, you can just try:
regexp(results, '[\f\n\r]', 'split')