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Android sdk platform-tools install error on windows xp

I have windows XP and Eclipse Java EE Indigo SR1 installed on my laptop. I installed android SDK r16 and ADT 16.0.1. My first problem is that instead of having "Android SDK and AVD Manager" in my window menu in eclipse, I have "Android SDK Manager" and "AVD Manager" separately. Is something wrong with my Eclipse or what?

image 1

My second problem is that I cannot install SDK Platform-tools, when I click on "Android SDK Manager" this window appears:

image 2

Not only this window does not contain any entry named "sdk platform-tools", cf. this picture from android documentation,but also when i try to install "Archive for Windows x86" I get this page:

image 3

as you see the "Installed" button is disabled. What can I do to install sdk platform-tools on my computer?


  • My first problem is that instead of having "Android SDK and AVD Manager" in my window menu in eclipse, I have "Android SDK Manager" and "AVD Manager" separately. Is something wring with my eclipse or what?

    This is a new behavior starting from ADT 16. Do not worry!

    My second problem is that I cannot install SDK Platform-tools, when I click on "Android SDK Manager" this window appears:

    Other problems can be connected with the version of your JDK. To use Android SDK you should use only JDK 5 or JDK 6. Check maybe you have installed JDK7 (it is not supported still)