I am doing an assignment with pyGame, a very simple one, we have to load an image in a window, but it does not load! And the IDLE does not show any errors..I tried relative paths to my image (room.png) also absolute paths (C:...\room.png) but nothing. Here is my code.
import pygame, sys #import pygame and system library
from pygame import * #import all pygame sublibs
screen = display.set_mode((385,384)) #set screen size
display.set_caption("Blit example")
#this one gets the current working directory
background_file_name = "room.png" #import bg
background_surface = pygame.image.load(background_file_name) #use bg
while True:
for e in pygame.event.get():
if e.type==QUIT: #break the loop and quit
screen.fill((255,0,255)) #fill the screen with magenta
screen.blit(background_surface, (0,0))
Your indentation is messed up.
You only start drawing after the application has ended. Try putting the drawing code into your main loop.