After many hours of hair pulling, I look to stackoverflow to help me solve this issue.
I have create two signals to run auto-email functions. The signals are triggered via a modification of save_model in my file.
The only problem is...BOTH of the signals work when run through the Django development server (the auto-emails are sent), but only ONE of the signals work when testing on the remote server. I don't understand how this is possible, and I haven't been able to find the bug.
I know there isn't much information to work with here. Any suggestions for what might be happening here?
As for file/directory structure, these signals are saved in a file located in the directory for this specific application. The signal is triggered via a modification of the save_model definition on my file, in the same directory.
Here are the signal definitions:
notify_status_change_signal = Signal(providing_args=['status', 'restaurant', 'delivery_date', 'contact_email', 'contact_phone'])
notify_on_change_signal = Signal(providing_args=['organization', 'identifier', 'id', 'restaurant', 'delivery_date'])
def notify_on_change(sender, organization, identifier, id, restaurant, delivery_date, signal, *args, **kwargs):
"This is the signal that only functions when run through the local development server"
order_id = identifier + str(id)
subject = r'A change has been made to order %s' % order_id
body = """
System Message: The details for order %s (%s) have been updated by the client.""" % (order_id, organization)
send_mail(subject, body, 'System Notification <>', [admin_email], fail_silently=False)
def notify_status_change(sender, status, restaurant, delivery_date, contact_email, contact_phone, signal, *args, **kwargs):
"""This is the signal that works on both servers"""
stat_body = {
Message 1 """,
'Placed': """
Message 2 """,
'En Route': """
Message 3 """,
Message 4 """,
#Auto email
from_addr = 'Order Status <>'
to_addrs = [contact_email]
subject = u'Order %s %s status changed to %s.' % (restaurant, delivery_date, status)
body = ''
for stat_label, description in stat_body.iteritems():
if status == stat_label: body = description
if status == "Confirmed" or status == "En Route" or status == "Completed":
send_mail(subject, body, from_addr, to_addrs, fail_silently=False)
#Auto text message
if status == 'En Route':
client = TwilioRestClient(settings.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID, settings.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN)
message = client.sms.messages.create(to=contact_phone,
body="Your order, %s %s, is now en route." % (restaurant, delivery_date))
Although I definitely restarted the server when I updated the code with these signals, restarting the server again did the trick.