When I run the project form rails server, it works fine, when I open it in POW with http://mon.dev/rails/info/properties, I get this:
Error: Response was not received
Error: Response was not received
at Client._finishRequest (/Users/hb/Library/Application Support/Pow/Versions/0.3.2/node_modules/nack/lib/client.js:75:27)
at Client.<anonymous> (/Users/hb/Library/Application Support/Pow/Versions/0.3.2/node_modules/nack/lib/client.js:37:21)
at Client.emit (events.js:81:20)
at Array.0 (net.js:831:12)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:126:26)
I've been struggling to install ror for a while now. I've setup Rails 3.2.0 and Ruby 1.9.3 with RVM, and set 'rvm use 1.9.3 --default', I have created the .rvmc file in the project dirctory.
Seems like something is wrong with Pow. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling it?
You might also try creating a gemset for this project:
rvm use 1.9.3
rvm gemset create mon
Then install Rails, bundle install
, etc. That would lessen the possibility of gem conflicts.