When using a ListCollectionView, how do I move focus to the newly created record? My declarations are
Public WithEvents Data As PersonList = PersonList.GetList()
Private MyView As New ListCollectionView(Data)
Private WithEvents _Person As Person
The code I use to insert a person is
_Person = New Person("AAAA", 100)
Data.Insert(0, _Person)
I've tried using MyView.MoveCurrentTo(Dunno what to put here) but nothing seems to work.
If I was working with the underlying ObservableCollection then I would go to index 0, but I can't rely on this as the ListCollectionView can be sorted and filtered so the records are no longer in the same order as the ObservableCollection .
Have you tried that ?
You could also use MyView.AddNew to add the new item, I suspect it makes it the current item.
Also, don't forget to set IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem to True on your ItemsControl