I have solved the more generic N Queens problem, but now I am looking for an algorithm to solve the N Queens Domination problem.
"Given an n×n board, find the domination number, which is the minimum number of queens (or other pieces) needed to attack or occupy every square. For the 8×8 board, the queen's domination number is 5." - Wikipedia
I have searched extensively and cannot find anything but scholarly papers on this problem, nothing remotely understandable.
My first thoughts are to just place a Queen down and then place the next Queen in the place that can attack the most other squares, and so on. However, while this may generate a solution, I cannot figure out a way to guarantee that that solution is the minimal solution.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Using your algorithm, you can generate all possible combinations and take minimum from it. Hints: Use recursion for this and don't process similar conditions (or cache it) like symmetric placement, the same order and so on.