In my app I am trying to draw with different colors. I have my own color picker, but I want to add to this picker slider for color brightness. For understudying : I choose a color which is displayed somewhere in view as background color and to this color I want add slider which will slide from 1 to 0 and change brightness of the color and displays the color in window. Therefore I want to ask if there is any possible way how to convert.
in my project I use this :
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(current, R, G, B, A);
so anytime I slide the slider I need to change the brightness of the color, therefore I need to convert my UIColor
- represented as RGB to HSV and than back to RGB for using it one more time.
Does exist any RGB to HSV conversion algorithm or is there any in iOS 5 or Xcode4?
+(struct hsv_color)HSVfromRGB:(struct rgb_color)rgb
struct hsv_color hsv;
CGFloat rgb_min, rgb_max;
rgb_min = MIN3(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b);
rgb_max = MAX3(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b);
if (rgb_max == rgb_min) {
hsv.hue = 0;
} else if (rgb_max == rgb.r) {
hsv.hue = 60.0f * ((rgb.g - rgb.b) / (rgb_max - rgb_min));
hsv.hue = fmodf(hsv.hue, 360.0f);
} else if (rgb_max == rgb.g) {
hsv.hue = 60.0f * ((rgb.b - rgb.r) / (rgb_max - rgb_min)) + 120.0f;
} else if (rgb_max == rgb.b) {
hsv.hue = 60.0f * ((rgb.r - rgb.g) / (rgb_max - rgb_min)) + 240.0f;
hsv.val = rgb_max;
if (rgb_max == 0) {
hsv.sat = 0;
} else {
hsv.sat = 1.0 - (rgb_min / rgb_max);
return hsv;