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Placing SD-Card Image into LinearLayout ImageView

I have an application which is some kind of MiniPaint which means I can draw images and save them to my sd-card. Now I would like to add some text options, using an XML Linear Layout. My idea is switching to an Activity with a XML view in wich I pretend to have an editText and a TextView (this will be enough to save my text) now want I want to know: How to combine my XML and just created Drawing? I'm thinking about placing an ImageView with my drawing in it which will take about 1/3 or 1/2 of the screen. But I have no idea how to load an Image from sd-card to my imageView. is it possible?

Any help will be appreciated, thanks in advance.

EDIT: This is how you do it:


    ivImagen = (ImageView)findViewById(;
    myUri = Uri.parse("/sdcard/MisDibujos/Dibujo_1.png");

(Just in case that someone needs this)


  • On your ImageView use its setImageURI(...) method.

    You'll first need to create your Uri and use parse(String uriString) where the uriString parameter is something like file://<path-to-image>