Let's assume I have the following table class:
class TestTable(tables.Table):
id = tables.Column()
description = tables.Column()
def render_description(self, value):
return mark_safe('''<a href=%s>%s</a>''' % (???, value))
Is it possible to access the value of the column "id" in the render method, so that I can build up a link which leads to the id but shows the text which depends on the 'description'-field?
Thanks in advance!
From a quick glance at the docs for render_FOO it looks like you can just do:
class TestTable(tables.Table):
id = tables.Column()
description = tables.Column()
def render_description(self, value, record):
return mark_safe('''<a href=%s>%s</a>''' % (record.id, value)
Not sure of the exact shape of a row record, so it might be record['id']
, the link to the docs should help with exploration...