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What does this expressionengine template code mean?

    {if exclude-locales}
        {exp:cookie_plus:get name="cklocale" parse="inward"}
                {if "{option_name}" != "{cookie}"}
   content goes here

I've been told that 'exclude-locales' is the name of a custom field. I'm looking to understand what the condition {if exclude-locales} actually means and also what 'parse="inward"' does?

exclude-locales is a gypsy field of type FF Multi Select


  • what the condition {if exclude-locales} actually means

    exclude-locales must be a boolean/bool type of data type.

    {if exclude-locales} means if the value of "exclude-locales" is true, then go inside the if part of the loop i.e. execute

    {exp:cookie_plus:get name="cklocale" parse="inward"}
