I have an array of dictionary which contains two keys- firstName and lastName and their values, eg.
firstName/ lastName
Steve/ Jobs
Andre/ Agassi
Christiano/ Ronaldo
User interface consists of a pop up button and a text field.
I am displaying first name of users in pop up button. I am able to show first name of the user selected in pop button in the text field by using following bindings:
Content Array - AppDelegate - myArray
content - Array Controller - arrangedObjects - firstName selected value - AppDelegate - selectionValue
Value - AppDelegate - selectionValue
Here myArray is a property declared as NSArray and selectionValue is a property declared as NSString declared in AppDelegate class.
Now I am getting clue less to implement this through bindings: Text field should show last name of user whose first name is selected in pop up button.
Can anyone suggest me some solution to implement it or is it possible through bindings?
Instead of keeping selectionValue as a property of type NSString you can change it to be of type NSDictionary.
So here's how the bindings would look now.
content - Array Controller - arrangedObjects - firstName
selected value - AppDelegate - selectionValue - firstName
Value - AppDelegate - selectionValue - lastName
This should help solve your problem.