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Java RMI can not connect to registry

I have an server process with internal registry (on an Amazon EC2 instance). The server starts correctly and the registry binds itself to port 1099. If I use netstat I can see that it is bound:

tcp6     0      0    :::1099    :::*    LISTEN     0     3258   765/java

Additionally I've added Port 1099 TCP to the security group of the instance. If I sstart nmap on the host, it lists the port as open:

Host is up (0.061s latency).
Not shown: 997 filtered ports
22/tcp   open   ssh
1098/tcp closed unknown
1099/tcp open   unknown

However, it is no possible for the client to connect to the server. After a while I get an Connection timed out exception.

What am I missing? Are there other ports that need to be opened?


  • Well, im pretty sure I had to open another port. Because when I opened all ports for incoming traffic, it worked.

    Since this was only a test setup i lived with that and simply restricted incoming traffic to well known sources.